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Start with AI, the right way!

Executives, are you ready to move beyond the AI hype and truly understand its capabilities and limitations? Join us for a comprehensive webinar on AI Opportunity Mapping with experts John Vetan and Gianluca Mauro. Learn how to identify the best AI opportunities and launch your projects with confidence [ Brought to you by Design Sprint Academy & AI Academy. ]

Jul 30, 2024
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm CEST
Live Online
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Solve the right problems: Accelerate innovation with the 4U framework

We’re excited to be partnering with Miro to kick off their ‘Transformation Tactics’ webinar series. We’ll be sharing how you can solve the right problems and accelerate innovation with the 4U framework - and you’ll have chance to jump on a Miro board and try it out yourself as part of the session! Save your spot.

Aug 15, 2024
3:00 PM CET
Live Online
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